Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Kid's Closet

This kids closet has some really good ideas.  The hanging area can be changed to a double hanging area as the child grows.  Using plenty of shelves enables items to be easily seen.  Clothes hidden at the bottom of a drawer can be out grown before they get much wear when they are out of sight, and out of mind.  Keeping the shelves close together is also a good idea.  It is much easier to access clothes when the stacks are shorter.  The drawers hold small items like socks.  The thing I would change about this closet, is that I would remove the doors and store them.  It is really a pretty closet, and having the doors out of the way would make it more convenient.  I would use the hamper instead of storing toys in it.  Shelves can hold special toys until the child gets older and has more wardrobe to store.

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